‘Lonely’- a state of life many of us fear of being through
this. We all pray to be happy, always surrounded by loved ones and friends but
usually none of us pray to be lonely. Even few people consider loneliness is
curse to human life.
But not always, sometimes being lonely can be good for ones
life. Its human nature, we mainly see the negative side of everything but skip
out the positive factor. Same in this case also.
"The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude."
-Aldous Huxley
Being lonely, spending time with one self without any interruption
can benefit our mind to focus and think more clearly. One can also achieve
peace of mind which helps us discover ourselves due to which we get to know our
self more accurately like what need and what we don’t, what is good about us,
what is bad about us, which things we need to rectify in us and in which sector
of us we need to emphasis more to make ourselves a proper human being.
Many times we feel exhausted and tired of life; spending
time with yourself, knowing yourself better can help you to regain the energy
to take proper decisions and to fight back.
It even enlightens
our self to achieve a stable and calm life.
"Solitude is the place for purification"
-Martin Buber
Solitude lets our subconscious mind to meet with our conscious
mind due to which we able to solve out many difficulties and doubts of our
life. Because many times our subconscious mind has that answer which our
conscious mind can’t suggest, of any doubt or difficulties we are going
through and can help us to lead our self's towards right direction.
So always, being lonely is not a curse to ones life but it
can be a lot beneficial. What we only need to do is to see the brighter side of
things. Therefor we all should manage time from our busy schedule to spend time
with one self.
"The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind."
- Albert Einstein